Monday, 9 December 2019

Resource management in school

Strategic and Resource
Management in Primary Schools:
evidence from OfSTED inspection

This paper reports an analysis of the extent to which practice, as recorded in the OfSTED reports for 120 primary schools, matched the criteria for rational management and development outlined in official guidance to schools. It shows that primary schools have been slower than the secondary sector to embrace the principles of strategic and long term development planning. Consideration of the basis for judgements made also shows that there is some inconsistency in the application of criteria by inspectors especially in matters of resource management. However, those schools which have good curriculum planning processes also seem to have good resource planning to match.

This paper outlines an investigation of the way in which OfSTED inspectors have reported on strategic and resource management in primary schools. This provides evidence of the way in which inspectors apply criteria outlined in the guidance given to schools by OfSTED, a view of current practice in resource management in the schools, and also shows the relationship between this and the processes of rational planning which have been more widely advocated within the context of increased ® nancial autonomy in schools since the early 1990s. It is concerned therefore with aspects of reporting and resource management within the context of a rational planning model.

The Research Project
During the past 3 years the Centre for Educational Policy and Management at the Open University has been investigating the way in which the assessment of the ef® ciency of schools, as re ̄ ected in school reports issued by inspectors of the Of® ce for Standards in Education (OfSTED), matches the reality of school performance. A report in 1994 (LevacÏ ic & Glover, 1994) outlined the way in which the criteria of ef® ciency, effectiveness and value for money have been interpreted in 66 secondary schools and presented a model of rational planning gleaned from the comments of inspectors. Analysis of the data provided in a further 117 reports (LevacÏ ic & Glover, 1995) was then used to explore the relationship between ef® cient resource manage- ment and school effectiveness and concluded that those secondary schools which were most likely to use rational planning in resource management were also most likely to plan effectively in all aspects of school management with consequent high levels of achievement. However, further work (Glover et al., 1996) has shown that rational planning is not necessarily an essential for educational effectiveness and that schools which are criticised by OfSTED for lack of rational planning can be highly successful in meeting their educational aims.
This report outlines a similar analysis of 120 primary school reports. The schools were selected from those in seven differing local education authority areas, including two metropolitan areas, and had been inspected during the period Sep- tember 1994 to December 1995. There was a considerable variety of schools, varying from 36 to 517 pupil roll, from rural, suburban and inner urban areas, from those which were well funded with a maximum unit allocation of £3176 per child, to those with tight funding at a maximum of £1120 per child, and those from diverse organisational systems including infant± junior, junior and middle deemed primary. No nursery or nursery± infant schools were included. This work has been related to the guidance and criteria offered in The Framework for the Inspection of Schools (Of® ce for Standards in Education, 1993). There have been some modi® cations to the approach as a result of the revision of the guidelines (Of® ce for Standards in Education, 1995), but the essential de® nitions and criteria remain and all reports were prepared under the 1993± 1994 guidelines. The OfSTED report is a distillation of much supporting evidence and we recognise that our investigation is often based on inferred rather than explicit comment which may mean more to the school than to the outside reader.

Resource Management
The possible guidance which comments might give to improved resource manage- ment practice is rendered less meaningful than in the secondary sector because slightly less than half of the reports examined dealt with more than half of the elements of rational planning. This is not to say that possible issues for improvement do not emerge. The implicit framework for rational planning is shown in the concern of the inspectors that governors should be involved in the planning processes, that there should be some process of prioritisation in establishing budget plans, that there should be enhanced evaluation of cost effectiveness for spending programmes, that staff should be involved in resource allocation processes and that the deployment and adequacy of staff, teaching resources and accommodation should be evaluated as part of the regular review of plans in action.
For one school the problems are summarised as follows:
The effects of spending decisions on the quality of provision and standards are not evaluated with suf® cient precision and this inhibits ef® ciency. Criteria to evaluate the outcomes of major spending decisions on staff, learning resources and premises need to be established and used to en- hance ef® ciency1⁄4 . The impact of high staf® ng costs, any underspend and the provision of resources for learning needs to be monitored more effec- tively.
When these comments are considered alongside the re® nements suggested for the level 2 schools, it is clear that OfSTED are seeking improvements in the implementation of development planning, improvements in monitoring and evalu- ation processes at all levels and the enhanced professional development of staff. All three elements are sought in 53% of the reports surveyed. Indeed, very few schools reach a level of commendation which notes the achievement of performance against the OfSTED criteria in the following way:
The ® nance sub-committee plays a key role not only in framing the school’s budget, but also in reviewing expenditure to ensure cost-effective- ness. The need to obtain value for money is central to the school’s purchasing policy. It achieves this by obtaining items of good and durable quality at the best prices available, often as a result of competitive tenders.
Whilst many of the reports have indicated particular commendation for ele- ments of rational planning, the highlighting of good practice in monitoring and evaluation in 23% and the critical comment of lack of this in 47% of the schools indicates an attempt by the inspectors to raise standards. Adverse comments on aspects of monitoring are recorded in 60% of reports. These highlight the need for ® nancial monitoring in 18% of the sample schools, for effective monitoring of plans in 32% and for elements of both in 10% of reports studied. The need for develop- ment of the evaluation role of senior staff is critically commented upon in 23% of reports. However, commendation in resource use for staff, books and equipment,and accommodation often emphasises the existence of evaluation as some part of decision making. For example, in comments from three different reports:
of staff,
All staff have suitable job-descriptions which assist in the implementation of the staf® ng policy and meeting the targets set out in the SDP. The policies for in-service training and staff development are excellent and are securely in place. It is appropriate that they are associated closely with the improvement and enhancement of the curriculum and they are an import- ant part of the SDP,
of resources,
The school has carefully budgeted and has built up effective supplies of equipment and materials for classroom use 1⁄4 these make a contribution to the quality of pupils’ learning,
and of accommodation,
Space within the buildings is very limited and this imposes additional pressures on teachers. However, the accommodation is managed very effectively so that there are no adverse effects on standards.
Rational PlanningÐ a total approach
In those schools which have made an attempt at establishing rational planning processes for the management of human and ® nancial resources the framework of audit, planning, prioritising, implementing and evaluating also appears to be applied to pupil progress through assessment and to the curriculum through a relationship between curriculum delivery and pupil need. This can be demonstrated by considering the percentage of schools achieving each level in each aspect of organisation. This is shown in Table II, which shows the tendency for schools which have adopted rational planning approaches to be rated at a comparable level for the general reports on their approaches to planning and developing curriculum and assessment within the school.
Consideration of the modal `score’ of each school for the rational planning elements has been used to establish its place in a classi® cation of one of three

composite predominant rational planning levels. Each of the schools in the three groups was then considered to see their modal score for comments on curriculum (based on breadth, differentiation and progression) and for comments on assessment procedures (based on consistent practice, diagnostic use and the balance between qualitative and quantitative evidence). For example, it was found that 14% of all reports judged the quality of the school’s rational planning to be at level 1. When the curriculum comments of these 14% were examined it was found that 4% scored at level 1, 9% at level 2 and 1% at level 3. By comparison, the majority of the schools which received level 2 comments for their rational planning received level 2 com- ments on their curriculum, and the majority of schools which received level 3 comments on their rational planning also received level 3 comments on their curriculum.
One of the schools which appears at level 1 in rational planning, curriculum and assessment has the following three comments:
ef® ciency,
The school does not review its work effectively or establish clear priorities for improvement: the recently produced school development plan is inad- equate to guide budgetary decisions;
Policies have been produced recently for each subject: these are of little practical help to teachers and are not implemented consistently. Co-ordi- nators have few opportunities to monitor and in ̄ uence the work in their subject;
Assessment is not yet an identi® ed part of teachers’ planning. The results of assessments are not used suf® ciently to review and plan the curriculum for individual pupils or for classes.
Groups of comments which are consistent for ef® ciency, curriculum and assessment can be found appropriate for schools at level 2 and those at level 3. An example for a level 3 school is:
ef® ciency,
The school development plan has a four year cycle and includes clearly speci® ed and costed proposals re ̄ ecting the governors’ sound strategic management of the school. The priorities have been carefully considered and appropriately re ̄ ect the school’ s needs;
Long and shorter term planning, together with daily detailed written preparations is excellent and re ̄ ects the commitment and diligence of staff in their professional work. Some of the planning is shared between parallel

Management in Primary Schools 369 classes and this enhances the depths to which subjects or aspects are studied; assessment,
Assessment is well planned on a whole school basis and the policy state- ment emphasises consistency. There are detailed records for assessing and recording pupils’ progress in the core subjects and these are well linked to National Curriculum targets; the further development of assessment of standards in core subjects is a target in the SDP.
There is one example of a school which has scored highly in curriculum and assessment comments but which is weak in rational planning. In this case the criticism is of
the absence of appropriately detailed schemes for the implementation of initiatives outlined in the development plan1⁄4 . Forward planning for ® nance is inhibited by a lack of identi® ed priorities for 1996 and beyond.
For this school there is a divide between ® nancial and non-® nancial planning because the staff are commended for their approach to the curriculum where `They meet as a team to discuss their planning; and modify and amend it as a result of this overview’ and for their assessment where `teachers’ planning is taking increasing account of 1⁄4 procedures and requirements’. In short, within the context of this school effectiveness appears to be related to the way in which teachers are working together, ef® ciency to the way in which this is a planned and evaluated activity.

The evidence considered above shows that there is need for greater consistency in the application of OfSTED guidance by inspectors in their assessment of features of ® nancial management and planning. The de® ciencies in the presentation of out- comes are being overcome by the imposition of a reporting requirement on schools for all national assessment tests and by the development of consistent data in all OfSTED reports. Reports are intended not simply as a statement of the present situation but also as a guide to planning for future change to ensure enhanced effectiveness. A sense of direction fostered by strategic planning and enhanced skill in resource allocation through rational planning are fundamental to comment in many reports but there is need for them to offer detailed guidance to schools in securing effective action plans and the ef® cient use of resources. In the investigation of secondary school reports we were aware of considerable emphasis on the basic processes of rational planning. In the primary reports considered over 80% men- tioned either satisfactory or good aspects of planning, although there is evidence that judgments at primary level were made at a more basic level. There is less comment on the need for establishing staff responsibilities for programmers and purchases and less mention of the need for costing and time lines. There is, however, much more frequent mention of the use of monitoring and evaluation processes in ® nancial, curriculum and assessment management. In the primary reports there is greater encouragement of the use of cost-effectiveness evaluation than on the need for competitive tendering or the assessment of major budget spending against other resource headings. Our evidence suggests that either primary inspectors are less likely to look for management systems, as with the low level of concern about strategic planning, or that primary schools have a more structured approach to planning and that they have moved further to integrate resource planning and educational improvement than their secondary colleagues. In simple terms their later start has enabled them to learn from their secondary colleagues.

Resource Management
There may be in the manner and content of individual reports but consideration of a large sample of reports suggests that there are three requirements for effective school development. These have been gleaned from the detail of comment and from the criteria outlined in guidance materials. A sense of direction encapsulated in the school aims is fundamental to longer term planning and schools are encouraged to see this as stretching beyond the coming 3 or 4 years indeed, some reports highlight speci c concerns that should receive attention. Schools are also being encouraged to base their resource allocation on a system which involves an annual review of progress towards immediate and longer term aims, decision making based on prioritisation of need, implementation managed in an ef® cient way and monitoring and evaluation. Schools are also being led to understand the basis of judgment on value for money so that the effectiveness of resource allocation can be shared as a basis for future planning.

Methods to improve the efficiency of school human resource management

In the era of knowledge economy in the future, human resources will be the indispensable core resources for organizations, whether profit-making or non-profit organizations (such as schools, hospitals, etc.), as long as they have better human resources, they will gain competitive advantages. The school consists of knowledge-based education professionals. The biggest resource in the school organization is human resources. If human resources can be used effectively, it will create better efficiency for the school. The traditional personnel management mode has been unable to grasp the fluctuations of The Times. From the concept of organizational culture to democratic participation and decentralization, the school leaders must break through the traditional bureaucratic structure and adopt the systematic human resource management mode to drive the innovation and development of the school. Improve school effectiveness. This paper explores the relationship between school human resource management and school effectiveness, and then puts forward effective strategies to improve school effectiveness.

1. Overview of school human resource management

Human resources refers to all the resources related to the school staff, including principal, secretary, director, full-time staff and students, as well as support staff. Including employee gender, number, age, quality, knowledge, work skills, motivation and attitude. School human resource management is to care about all members of the school and their needs, the process of school human resources selection management, human resources maintenance management, human resources development and performance evaluation, to meet the needs of school human resources and improve the effectiveness of the school, in order to achieve the school and individual goals. The ultimate goal is to achieve a balance between school goals and teacher satisfaction. In recent years, influenced by the marketization of education, schools have applied enterprise management to find the best way of school management to strengthen school effectiveness. In the organization of the school, the biggest resource is human resources. To do a good job in the management of school human resources can effectively improve the efficiency of the school.

School human resource management is mainly carried out from the aspects of manpower selection, manpower maintenance, manpower development and performance evaluation. The strategies adopted by the school to explore, retain and utilize talents to create the competitive advantage of the school to achieve the organizational goals, including the method of introducing qualified teachers into the school and the planning of teachers' work and responsibility. The communication methods of school leaders, members within the school (among teachers and between teachers and administrators), members' work satisfaction, and the methods of motivating teachers in the school. To enhance the professional knowledge and skills of teachers and to plan the development of schools and teachers. In order to improve the organizational efficiency and achieve the goal of school education, the evaluation strategy of teachers' work performance is proposed.

2. Relationship between school human resource management and school effectiveness

Implement human resource management in school to improve the professional quality and ability of school staff. School human resource management plays a substantial and beneficial role in effective schools and students' learning. The quality of school staff will be an important key to improve the efficiency of school work. Through human resource management, schools can discover and train their members' potential professional qualities and skills, so as to improve the performance of school staff. Through the incentive, communication and leadership management of human resource management, the school establishes the most appropriate job evaluation standard, establishes an effective feedback mechanism, establishes a promotion mechanism and a support mechanism, and provides resources for problem solving and growth needs. To effectively monitor the performance of members and enhance the effectiveness of the school. It shows that high quality school human resource management can promote the improvement of school efficiency and easily achieve the goals of school organization.

school effectiveness evaluation index

School effectiveness means that a school has good performance and can achieve the expected goals of the school. School effectiveness is manifested in high administrative efficiency, excellent teaching effect and excellent academic performance of students. School effectiveness evaluation index is an objective measurement standard for the performance of school education. The design of evaluation index for school effectiveness is shown in figure 1. Human factors dominated the indicators, including school environment planning and teaching resources and equipment. Watch board? The scope of school material resources, other evaluation indicators belong to the scope of school human resources, is related to the human resources of the school. From the evaluation index and influence factors of school effectiveness, we can find that there is a close relationship between them. Therefore, there is a correlation between school human resource management and school effectiveness.

4. Effective strategies for improving school effectiveness

The correlation between school human resource management and school effectiveness, combined with the important factors affecting effective schools, the strategy to improve school effectiveness should be considered from the aspects of school human resource management, human resource maintenance, human resource development and performance evaluation.

In terms of manpower selection, the establishment of human resource management units at the school level, unified planning of human resource management affairs in the school and reduction of manpower waste will enable the proper use of human resources and achieve the highest efficiency. If the school can understand and control the quality of teachers' quality and administrative management, and make proper use of school manpower, so that every member of the school can get the best of his/her talent, I believe that he/she will get twice the result with half the effort and be more effective. Establish a teaching manpower support database, introduce qualified teachers, and employ part-time or substitute teachers who specialize in related fields to help develop school characteristics. The strategy of using human resources in the school should be consistent with the overall development plan of the school, effectively and fully use the human resources in the school, provide students with the best quality of study, and promote the development of the school. To improve school effectiveness.

In terms of manpower maintenance, provide a variety of communication channels to improve the effectiveness of campus communication. Schools should promote teachers to understand the goals of the school and work towards the goals through high advocacy and caring leadership. To care about the psychological needs of teachers, improve the enthusiasm of teaching staff, and according to the teaching effectiveness of teachers, pay due compensation, in order to improve the motivation and performance of teachers. There is not much room for principals to improve public school pay systems, which are regulated by law. Therefore, schools should establish a flexible reward system in line with the needs of teachers, and combine it with individual work performance to provide diversified and flexible rewards so that teachers with good performance can get the same feedback and incentives as their work performance. Teachers' satisfaction with their work will be greatly improved, so the school will be full of positive, positive and harmonious atmosphere. School effectiveness is bound to improve as a result.

In terms of manpower development, we will provide a variety of training channels to encourage teachers to pursue professional knowledge and ability to meet their individual training needs. The school can establish an information exchange platform to put the resources acquired by teachers in and out of school study or the latest knowledge acquired in further study on this platform, so that school teachers can share and circulate knowledge with each other, and enhance their professional knowledge, so that the whole campus is full of continuous learning atmosphere. Can not only promote the professional growth of teachers. The professionalism of the school in curriculum and teaching design will also be improved, so that students can naturally obtain the best quality of study and the efficiency of the school will be improved as a result.

In terms of performance evaluation, to establish a suitable performance evaluation system, the main function of the performance evaluation is to evaluate the teachers' job performance, in order to improve school effectiveness, the teachers' teaching quality and student achievement performance as one of the teachers' work performance evaluation standard, because the teacher appraisal system will affect the whole school human resources utilization, if can with the human resources management planning and school development goals, the combination of design a set of fair, fair and open way of evaluation, teachers can make full control of your job performance, and can promote healthy competition among teachers, thus, lifting school efficiency naturally. Therefore, schools should clearly formulate evaluation standards, personnel, implementation methods, rewards and punishments, etc., so as to effectively implement performance evaluation and feedback the evaluation results to teachers, so that they can timely reflect and improve, and thus improve the effectiveness of individuals and schools.


In the era of knowledge economy, with the advance of teaching reform, human resources are one of the most important assets in school development. The school human resource management system needs to cooperate with the whole environment, to do a good job in the school human resource planning, to achieve the organizational goals of the school. Develop human resource utilization plan. Schools can use the teaching manpower support database, set up the school manpower management unit and develop the school manpower plan. School leaders should take care of faculty and staff, establish a variety of smooth communication channels and flexible reward system to effectively motivate teachers. To provide teachers with multi-channel training opportunities, establish a diversified information exchange platform, promote the professional development and growth of teachers. Through the implementation of teacher performance evaluation, let teachers know their physical performance, and further improve the effectiveness of teachers. Therefore, having the best human resource management is the best way to build an efficient school. Schools should make full use of school human resources management, do a good job in the selection, maintenance, development and performance evaluation of schools, in order to improve the professional ability and quality of teachers, improve the efficiency and development of schools.


Problems and countermeasures of school human resource management

 in order to better play the function of school management, only reasonable organization and use of the school's human, material and financial resources, in order to better train talents. In school management, as the most active factor in school management, human resource management plays a key role, and plays a decisive role in material and financial resources. However, human resource management is also the most difficult.

I. overview of human resource management in school
School human resource management refers to the scientific and reasonable excavation, organization and use of faculty and staff's intellectual and physical labor ability to provide reliable human resources guarantee for the full realization of school goals. The human resource management of school should follow the principle of expansion, policy, talent, performance, incentive and reasonable structure. As a potential resource, human resource management attaches great importance to the encouragement and development of the majority of staff. Only by improving the level of human resource management and paying attention to the effective development and rational utilization of human resources, can we continuously improve the efficiency and quality of work and make more contributions to the development of the school. School of human resources has its own characteristics, mainly manifested in the following aspects: first, the school of human resource management work is the premise and foundation of the management of other work, other each work coordinated mainly depends on the reasonable optimal allocation of human resources, at the same time, the school human resources management is the core of the other work, only by constantly improve the level of school human resources management, to achieve the school quality of teaching and the improvement of the overall strength; Second, school human resource management is not the development of a part of human resources, but the overall development. Every school contains a lot of personnel, administrative personnel, teaching staff and logistics service, each level of staff with different degree, but the school is a major component of human resources is the teaching and scientific research personnel, when carries on the human resources development, should attach great importance to the aspects of personnel development and training, make the potential of teachers are fully excavated, so as to improve the teaching quality. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the management of other personnel and realize the better and faster development of the school through the optimization and reasonable allocation of resources. Third, the purpose of human resource management is to improve the overall strength of the school. By reasonably optimizing the allocation of human resources and setting up a fair and reasonable competition mechanism and incentive mechanism, it is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of the staff, giving full play to the staff's potential, making them make more contributions to teaching and scientific research, and then improving the overall strength of the school.

Ii. Problems existing in the school's human resource management
2.1 unreasonable allocation of human resources
School human resource configuration is unreasonable in many places, specifically manifested in the following two aspects: on the one hand, in terms of talent structure, for a long time, the school the management of human resources is a lack of attention, not the reasonable planning on talent, is mostly gas natural, make the human resources allocation presents the present situation of the natural cycle, and exists in the distribution of age structure many wrong, number of middle-aged and young teachers account for a large proportion, and very experienced teachers is relatively less, and the loss of high-quality, highly educated young teachers, can lead to the development of the school quality of teaching and the overall are limited; On the other hand, in terms of staffing. As the restraint mechanism of many schools is not standard enough, many posts are filled with many people, which leads to the waste of human resources and the overstaffed institution of schools. In addition, due to the influence of regional economic development, some poor and backward areas are seriously short of teacher resources, while the staff in ordinary colleges and universities are oversubscribed.
2.2 there is a large loss of human resources in the school
In school human resource management, as the pillar of the school, the overall quality of the majority of teachers plays a very important role. Therefore, the school human resources management should pay attention to the development and training of the majority of teachers. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, the loss of human resources in schools is mainly due to the low social status of teachers and the low salary, which leads to a large loss of teacher resources. The loss of school teachers is mainly young teachers and backbone teachers, and these teachers have higher academic qualifications, and they choose to change jobs or careers for better development, which is a great loss for the development of the school. Three, improve the school human resources management level countermeasures
3.1 reasonable allocation of human resources structure
In order to give full play to the collective wisdom of the teacher, make school human resources reasonable allocation optimization, in the future should fully consider the rationality of the structure configuration, and a camera and human resources development and the way to optimize the structure of human resources, should pay attention to cultivating backbone teachers, increasing the overall quality of the contingent of teachers. In addition, pay attention to the introduction of talent work, through the introduction of people to develop the school's scientific research, the realization of talent ah reasonable allocation.
3.2 continuously improve the personnel management system
In order to achieve the school human resources management level unceasing enhancement, the future should be the improvement of the relevant personnel management system, the rational flow of trained personnel to establish a reasonable mechanism, practice the post responsibility system, and from the qualitative to the quantitative management of combining the way, this is helpful to reduce the loss of outstanding teachers, can promote rational allocation of teacher resources and at the same time, enhance the teachers' sense of responsibility.
3.3 strengthen the development of school manpower
In order to better develop the human resources of the school, we should pay attention to the pre-service training of teachers in the future, arrange appropriate work by finding the characteristics of each member, and pay attention to improving their teaching ability. On the other hand, we should carry out the policy of cultivation. In order to realize the continuous improvement of the teaching quality and level of the school, we should focus on training subject leaders and backbone teachers in the future, and improve the overall quality of other teachers in the school through the leading role of these teachers. Four,To sum up, school play an important role in human resource management, to intensify the development of human resources for schools in the future, constantly improve the personnel system, the optimization of teaching resources, reasonable configuration, so as to realize the school teaching quality and the continuous improvement of the overall strength, enable the school to foster more pillars just.

The exploration of human resource management  to  teacher  management

the development of human resources is the prominent function of school human resources management. School human resources is the core part of school resources, the main body of school education, teaching, scientific research and management, and the creator and disseminator of knowledge. "There is no definite method for teaching", and there is no definite method for management. Human resources management in schools includes human resources development, allocation, use and evaluation. The first is to fully exploit and rationally use the school's human resources, the second is to cultivate and develop human resources. It refers to the activities in which the top management of the school USES scientific methods to discover, develop and make full use of the morale and creativity of the staff so as to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and benefits of education, teaching, research and management. How to select, educate, employ and retain people is the key to the success of human resource management in school.

With the rapid expansion of college enrollment in recent years, many teachers have been enriched to the forefront of teaching, management and scientific research. Therefore, how to fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teachers through effective management and make it an important guarantee of human resources for the sustainable development of schools has become an important topic in front of the human resources management department of colleges and universities.

The development of human resources is the prominent function of school human resources management. School human resources is the core part of school resources, the main body of school education, teaching, scientific research and management, and the creator and disseminator of knowledge. As a part of social resources, it also shows its particularity, mainly in the following aspects: first, knowledge. Knowledge become the decision power of economic development, and other resources configuration will take knowledge as the core, human resources, especially the teachers resources, is not only able to provide a general labor (work), but the owner of knowledge disseminator and masters, the knowledge capital is the user and the creator of the material wealth, they are the core of social human resources, is an important part of human resources. The second is intelligence. Imagination thinking ability is the power of school human resources. The working ability and creative spirit of school human resources grow with age, and will gradually decline in the old age, showing a certain biological periodicity. Third, education. Education and training are the main ways to improve the knowledge, ability and quality of human resources. The responsibility and function of school human resources is to educate and cultivate the talent resources needed by the society. Fourth, cultivate human nature. It is an important symbol that the school human resources is different from other human resources. The particularity of school human resources determines the particularity of school human resources management. With the advent of knowledge economy, human resource management in schools is facing severe challenges. Innovation management of human resources is incorporated into the innovation agenda. "There is no definite method for teaching", and there is no definite method for management. Human resources management in schools includes human resources development, allocation, use and evaluation. The first is to fully exploit and rationally use the school's human resources, the second is to cultivate and develop human resources. It refers to the activities in which the top management of the school USES scientific methods to discover, develop and make full use of the morale and creativity of the staff so as to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and benefits of education, teaching, research and management. How to select, educate, employ and retain people is the key to the success of human resource management in school.

First, adhere to the "people-oriented" irrational management concept

1, all the management adhere to the people-oriented management, reflect the value and dignity of the human beings, to achieve humanistic care, carry forward the spirit of humanity, can make the cause of prosperity, political and people, free and comprehensive development of the people. School management as an important part of education, although has its particularity, but it is also a kind of personnel management activities, people-oriented management, must advance with The Times, with the development of The Times requirements consistent. With the deepening of educational management system reform and the implementation of curriculum philosophy, the original school management model and management means can not adapt to the development of the situation. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to explore how to stimulate the enthusiasm of teachers and students to innovate consciously, fully tap their own potential, comprehensively improve the quality of education, and establish a "people-oriented" school governance strategy. The quality of school education, from a fundamental point of view, depends on the quality of the teachers and how much teachers put in. Teachers play a leading role in every aspect of educational work and every link of teaching process. Only high-quality teachers can cultivate students with healthy development. To build a high-quality team of teachers, we should create a good employment environment. Create a good work environment. American psychologist hertzberg believes that the motivation of people's initiative mainly lies in the correct treatment of health care factors and incentive factors. Alleged health care element basically points to working environment, include each policy, condition, welfare to wait from this visible creation good work and study environment are the effective measure that arouses the working enthusiasm of teaching staff. The creation of a good working environment, first lies in cultivating a sincere and harmonious interpersonal relationship, warm and orderly working atmosphere. In the sincere and harmonious interpersonal relationship, people have a sense of security, do not need to be cautious, fear lest be caught. So work up mood is happy, enthusiastic, work efficiency is high. The working atmosphere of the school should be enthusiastic, enthusiastic show have vitality, but cannot too intense, too inflexible. Order, order is to have a rhythm, to be loose and cheerful, elastic, freedom. Teaching work can not only look at the geometry of time, but also look at the heart.

2. Attach importance to spiritual stimulation. In the process of education system innovation, we should adhere to the people-oriented, focus on incentives. Institutional restraint is only the basic requirement, and inspiring talents is the highest requirement. The restraint mechanism can't get rid of the level of teacher development, but the incentive mechanism can give full play to the full potential of people. People's needs are both material and spiritual, so incentives should also be spiritual. In school-based management, maslow et al. theorize that teachers and students have different levels of needs in addition to economic acquisition, and they pursue opportunities for social interaction, self-realization and development. For intellectuals, spiritual encouragement is more important after material treatment is basically guaranteed. Spiritual motivation includes goal motivation, trust motivation and affirmation motivation. Goals include group goals and individual goals. Group goals are the unified value orientation of members of a group in a certain period, and they are the basis of cohesion. The need for perfection of individual goals is a powerful driving force for individual development. Trust encourages, trust is mutual, leadership to the masses of trust to get the trust of the masses, only sincere, sincere, sincere, can have trust in people. Positive motivation, to affirm the work of teachers, especially to affirm the work of teachers, so that the achievements of teachers get respected, loved by the status.

The particularity of school human resources determines the "irrational management" of school management. Make each main body that participates in market economy activity can be in his proper place, according to respective contribution in economic activity obtains corresponding benefit, decide and affect the quality of economy operation directly undoubtedly, scale and efficiency.

Second, adopt a reasonable salary mechanism and salary system for teachers

1, salary mechanism is the most important and the most basic function is to promote between the laborer employment competition, and constantly improve the scientific and cultural level of the workers by competitive labor and production skills, in the case of wage mechanism regulating Labour mobility, high scientific and cultural quality, strong ability to work laborer wages higher than poor quality of workers' wages, this will be conducive to the workers work hard and grasp the professional technology, thus greatly enhance the quality and ability of the labor force. Mental labor is multiple times of physical labor, the labor of teacher talent resources is multiple times of the sum of mental labor. The core of school human resources is the full-time teacher team, the teacher human resources is the human resources, a high-quality, high-level teacher team is the most considerable human resources. With the formation of knowledge economy pattern, knowledge and knowledge labor are replacing capital as the main source of economic growth. Distribution according to work, more work more teachers should get considerable labor remuneration. Due to the imbalance of current economic development, education finance is facing a difficult situation, the regional imbalance of teachers' labor remuneration is very prominent, and the fairness and rationality of teachers' labor remuneration are not really reflected. Some economically developed areas in the aspects of teacher labor remuneration reform and operation, such as the implementation of annual pay system, structure pay system, from a certain extent, to improve the economic remuneration of teachers, teachers labor remuneration also reflects the "distribution according to work, more work more". The distribution mode of knowledge enterprises and schools will change from position salary to ability salary. The growth of a company's wealth depends not only on the leadership of its management leaders, but increasingly on the intelligence of its employees. In the same way, the teacher resources is a school in the same way, the teacher talent resource is the core of school resources, is the owner of the school and the benefit, keep the school the core competitiveness of the knowledgeable employees and other personnel should have the gap, even on the job by length of service, age and other reasons in the same level of employees, the size of the bear position is not a high salary, more key employees are negative responsibility ability and contribution. "Position depends on competition, remuneration depends on performance, stress ability, stress level, stress performance" is the basic policy of human resources development. The teacher talented person resource is the school core resource, is the school and the benefit owner, is maintains the school core competitive power.

2. Salary management is one of the most important areas of human resource management. The basic principles of salary management are: externally competitive, internally fair, and incentive to individuals. However, at present, many universities still adopt a "negative salary policy", which does not pay attention to the incentive of teachers, and the proportion of performance salary is too small, or even none. This is especially bad for young teachers. Take the salary structure of a young teacher who has worked in a university for nearly two years as an example. His total income in the university consists of two parts: salary and post allowance, no class hour allowance, research allowance, etc., and performance salary is missing. We can see that there is no change in post allowance except that the take-home pay has naturally increased by several hundred yuan in the past two years. It is understood that although the teacher's position in a university last year to adjust the post allowance, although the young teachers work very hard, while teaching, doing research, but also a heavy burden of student management, but the post allowance of less than 5,000 yuan a year the standard has not changed.

The salary payment method that does not consider job performance is very bad for the mobilization of young teachers' work enthusiasm. The core of performance salary is that the salary level of teachers changes with the change of individual and team performance. Under this system, what universities pay in return are teachers' output that is valuable to the school through their efforts, the culture and values that match the school in the process of work, and the behaviors that are conducive to the realization of the strategic goals of the school. Therefore, performance pay and post pay have different emphases. Relatively speaking, post salary provides basic guarantee, while performance salary focuses on incentive. When teachers' performance can be fairly evaluated and compensated, their psychological needs for fairness and achievement can be satisfied simultaneously.

Three, follow the law of teacher talent growth and infrastructure

The school attaches great importance to the construction of teachers' talent team, the introduction of Humboldt scholars from abroad in key disciplines, the establishment of doctoral programs in key specialties and so on, all fully show the school's key cultivation of teachers' talent growth.

1. The standard to measure the quality of human resources is not only the skills and quantity of knowledge, but also the comprehensive level of social cognition, analysis and understanding. The particularity of teacher human resource is the guiding ideology of the growth of teacher human resource. Individual or unit should take study and groom seriously from the thought, assure study and groom from fund, promote the implementation of study and groom from the system, want to establish cogent the foundation that educate a person is choose and employ persons. The essence of talent is creation, and creation does not appear out of thin air. The motive of creation is to open the gate of creative energy, which needs careful cultivation. In the development of school human resources, we should encourage the creativity of talents and reform the "social soil" that is not conducive to the growth of talents. Creating a situation is a state of mind into which creativity continues to soar. The degree of development of a person's talents and the requirements laid down by effective labor and underage age, that is, must be diligent. You need to filter your information, focus your energy, and keep your goals consistent, based on your best talents and goals. Only by focusing on one major can we make achievements. With the arrival of knowledge economy and China's entry into w - ding 0, for us to set up a world competition and display talent "operating platform." How to operate this "platform" also puts forward higher requirements for school teachers' resources, especially the enhancement and transformation of original innovation ability and thinking mode. The requirements on human resources in schools are getting higher and higher, requiring them to master more and more knowledge and skills.

2. Human resource, which some scholars call "human capital", is a kind of living resource with developability. Therefore, it has become the most valuable element in economic activities as well as in running a school. At present, the school has formed the system: first, full employment system. Now both teachers and staff (bachelor's degree or above, except doctor's degree) are advertised (campus network, job fair) for public recruitment. After the preliminary examination and qualification, both parties agree to sign a formal employment contract with the contract term ranging from 2-3 years (probation period from half a year to one year), and the employment can be renewed. The contract details the parties' rights and obligations, tasks and benefits, as well as the terms of resignation and dismissal.

Second, target accountability. The school has a clear general goal every year. Around the general goal, to recruit students, educational administration, students, general affairs and other offices have sub-responsibility goals and public goals, each office has a clear and specific responsibility for each staff member, the workload of teachers, teaching effect also has clear provisions. Third, the assessment system. Assessment system. Quantification of the above objectives, such as a requirement that teachers teach a number of class hours per week, repeat the number of class hours to be multiplied by a coefficient. For the content that is difficult to be quantified, the anonymous questionnaire survey method is adopted for assessment, and the method of working object symposium can also be held for assessment. The quality of teaching is evaluated by students in combination with mid-term teaching inspection. The achievement of unified examination course also is an important content that evaluates a teacher substantially. According to the assessment, the implementation of awards, teachers every semester evaluation of teaching excellence award, excellent teacher award and quality class award, and organize young teachers to participate in the teaching basic skills competition.

In addition, also pay special attention to emotional investment, such as teachers' day visits to teachers and other staff, the Spring Festival to teachers, teachers and students to open a party, teachers and students sports meeting, these have deepened the feelings between the school and teachers, students, forming a harmonious, positive atmosphere. Teachers work in nature and not by the restriction of regulations, procedures, and is not dependent on what kind of instruction, what to do and what not to do, but mainly rely on their own knowledge, consciousness and ability, rely on their career ambition, sense of mission, culture and the work target and and the enthusiasm of the persistent pursuit of the target, and ultimately form a relatively stable way of thoughts, way of life and work.

Schools to develop, there must be a strong full-time teachers, and to cultivate, optimize. In the operation to the subject (or professional) as the unit or to the public course as the unit to set up the research group, so that the first public courses and professional main courses taught by full-time teachers; For the fist major, the promising major and the public class with large class hours, the teaching and research section should be established accordingly, and most courses should be taught by special teachers. Enrich, cultivate, examine and optimize the team of the established teaching and research office, so as to form a high-quality team of teachers; Guide the transformation of teachers' teaching and research, that is, teachers are good at teaching and may be good at scientific research and development. They undertake scientific research tasks to form a relatively stable direction of scientific research, lay a foundation for the research and education of the school, and promote the industrialization and marketization of scientific research results, so as to accelerate the development of the school and the economy and society.

In short, human resources management is to create a common target, internal friction minimum, feel better, make the teachers and staff are to the social environment of their talents, mainly adopt the method of excitation, such as respect motivation, consultation, communication, motivation, incentives praise motivation, reward motivation, example incentive, model incentive, target incentive, etc; Thus, it can stimulate the creativity of teachers and staff to the greatest extent, develop human resources to the greatest extent, and lay a solid foundation for establishing a better "project 211" school.

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